glossary book
Glosario, definiciones y explicaciones de Show LaserEste glosario proporcionará definiciones generales de los términos utilizados en este sitio web, así como información de fondo sobre los términos y temas utilizados en la industria del láser y el entretenimiento.
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Escudo de Agua

¿Qué es un escudo de agua?

Water shield is another term for hydro shield. It is a projection surfaces made of water for making laser graphics and effects visible. Water shields emerge water semicircular from the bottom upwards. They consist of a special 180° flat nozzle together with a very strong pump system. It is essential to have a permanent water source, therefore the nozzle may be placed in a lake or the like. Water shields are often used for rear projections and are able to disappear within seconds - an advantage over other kinds of screens.

Water Shield Projection

Water Shield5Water Shield4Water Shield2

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Marca distribuida LaserworldMarca distribuida tarmMarca distribuida Ray Technologies
Marca distribuida ShoweditorMarca distribuida ShowcontrollerMarca distribuida PangolinMarca distribuida coherent